Dirt Hog Paydirt Reviews

We have not had the opportunity to get out the past couple of weeks, so I thought I would purchase a couple of bags of Dirthogg Paydirt. I had seen a few reviews before on this, so I decided to give it a whirl.
Dirthogg Paydirt Reviews
I tested 2 of their 3 lb. bags. The first bag was a regular bag, the second, one of their bonus bags.

A month after the first review of this paydirt, I got a second bag to see how consistent it is. This time it yielded 1.997 grams of gold. At a spot of $39, that gives a return on investment of $77.88 or 114.5%. Deducting for purity and handling, the actual return on investment would be closer to $59.58 or 97.6%. Raw Pay Dirt / Gold Concentrates for Sale. Please watch the Video BEFORE Ordering. The video explains EXACTLY WHAT THEY CONTAIN. Click the pic below for full size view.
Both bags contained a lot of nice mineral specimens.
Now for the nitty gritty. The first bag yielded 2.4 grams of gold, the second bonus bag yielded 4.85 grams of gold, for a total of 7.25 grams. Very impressive considering they state that each bag will contain 2 grams of gold!
What was also impressive was the 151.6 grams of silver ore! No other paydirt on the market as far as I can ascertain, is as rich in both gold and other mineral content as Dirthogg. I was very pleased with my purchase.

If you are considering purchasing paydirt to while away the winter months, I definitely recommend Dirthogg.
Best Place To Buy Paydirt
A link to their website can be found here.