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How can I get my site listed in the JoeAnt Directory?
Submit your site for review by joining as an editor (free) or pay a one-time fee of $39.99 for our Speed Pass review. All submissions must be approved by a JoeAnt editor.
December, 1999: Received word that Disney's Internet portal,, was planning a major overhaul and current editors for the once popular online directory were no longer a part of their online strategy. The Indiana Senate voted 36-11 Tuesday to approve a Tribal-State Gaming Compact that paves the way for table games, sports wagering and other non-bingo gaming at the Four Winds Casino in South Bend. This game does not offer gambling or an opportunity to win real money or prizes. Practice or success at social gaming does not imply future success at gambling. The Best Casino Slots Machines featured by Aristocrat for free! Exciting 777 slot games from the amazing Las Vegas casino floors - Get the REAL Las Vegas casino game feeling here!

- Gambling czar Benny Binion said Arlington was “Vegas before Vegas.” A former Benny Binion casino, Top O’ Hill Terrace, drew regular restaurant customers to the Triangle Inn, original tenant.
- About Casino Listings. The Casino Listings project started as a spare-time, two man, website back in 2007. Both experienced advantage players and bonus hunters that had played at scores of different casinos, we wanted to share our experience and expertise in dealing with online casinos.
How long does a site review take?
Editor submitted sites are reviewed by volunteers and the time required will depend on the number of reviewing editors available, the number of submissions, and whether or not the submission follows our guidelines.
Speed Pass reviews are done by staff editors and will be completed within five business days. The reviewing editor will make sure the listing is in the most appropriate topic and that the title, URL, and description are all correct and meet JoeAnt guidelines.
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How do I know what topic is the most appropriate one for my site?
Search for your keywords. If you see a site in the search results that looks as though it may be similar in type to yours, click on the 'Related' link next to that search listing to go to the topic in which that site is listed. Look at the listings in that topic (also check its subtopics and 'See Also' listings) and decide which is the most appropriate for your site.
My site was accepted, why can't I see the listing?
We update our database once a week and new listings will not show in the public view until after the update. If it has been over a week since your site was accepted, use the search on our index page to search for your URL. Find the listing in the search results and click on the 'Related' link. This will take you to the topic in which it is listed.
Can I submit internal pages from my site?
Please submit only the main URL for a site. Some exceptions may be made for subsections of mega sites when there is enough content in the subsection (equal to a stand-alone site).
Can I use my keywords for the title?
We use the name of the business or domain name as the title for commercial sites. All other sites must use the title a visitor to the site sees on the pages of the site. Titles may be in English or the primary language of the site if other than English.
What information should my site description include?
Descriptions should use objective language to tell what the site has to offer its visitors. Commercial sites may include a brief description of the type of business. Use sentences and do not simply list keywords. Capitalize the first word of each sentence and proper nouns only.
Descriptions must be in English.
Is there a way to guarantee my site gets listed?
Yes, have a site that offers information or services that are of value to visitors. Other than that, there is no sure thing. All editor submitted and Speed Pass sites must be reviewed and approved for listing by an editor.
Sites must be completed (not under construction) and have sufficient content to be considered for listing.
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How are sites rated?
Sites are judged based on the reviewer's experience and in comparison to other sites of the same type and websites in general and must meet or exceed JoeAnt's basic standard of 'good' to be accepted for listing. The better the site in regards to quality and quantity and the resulting user's experience on the site, the higher the rating.