Bob Buran Review
I am Robert Buran and I update Today Stock Market every trading day. I utilize Short Term Stock Trading strategies along with automated stock trading software and short term stock trading systems to take trades everyday in the U.S. Stock market including the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. I post my trading positions here along with images and charts.
Summary: Robert Buran is 76 years old and was born on. Robert Buran lives in Sun Valley, NV; previous city include Reno NV. Sometimes Robert goes by various nicknames including Robert John Buran and Robert J Buran. Robert has many family members and associates who include Esther Buran, Sandra Smith, Fred Buran, Karen Grandy. The Devil's in the Data by Bob Buran. Day-Trader's Doom: Whipsaws & How to Avoid Them by Cynthia Kase. Day-Trading Software Shootout by James T. To order this electronic special issue for speedy e-mail delivery, just call our operators with your credit card information handy at (800) 972-9316, ext. Bob Buran – How I Quit my Job & Turned 6k into Half Million Trading Commodities In 1992, Bob Buran became one of a tiny minority of trading system vendors to publish his personal trading account statements over a period of six years, in order to demonstrate how a little guy can take a small amount of money and turn it into a sizable nest egg.

Jordi is Hot
By Robert Buran
Jordi is hot. This is a snapshot of Jordi’s performance in two days in August 2014. This trade would have cost about $45,000 in cash and it made $32,000 plus in two days. JORDI got into JRJC the day before a 40 + % move and got out near the top. This is admittedly as good as it can get (click to enlarge): Jordi is a composite of trading ideas I have developed over a 20 year period. In the two manuals included with this package I talk about my earlier ideas that developed systems using daily data. But my dream from the beginning was to combine these ideas with intra-day data. My belief was that using intra-day data in combination with daily data would give a trader more control over trading problems.
Jordi is therefore kind of my dream. Jordi uses two data streams, a daily bar and a 15 minute bar. As I describe in Stock Trading Millionaires I have pushed nearly two billion dollars worth of trades through the US stock market using a nearly identical algorithm as Jordi uses.
Jordi has never before been published.
Jordi has been modified to accommodate the small trader. As it is presently written it can commit as little as $1,000 per trade or it can commit as much as $50,000 per trade.
I publish daily on this site all the real time trades generated by Jordi in 60 plus markets. I am of the opinion that a $20,000 account traded on margin would support this entire portfolio of 60 plus markets. E-mail me at and I will send you free our current stock list.

However, a small trader could start with as little as $3,000 traded on margin. With a $3,000 account a trader could probably trade about 10 to 15 of these stocks. There might be a handful of days you run out of money and would be unable to take all trades, but for the most part 10 to 15 stocks would be OK. On a normal day, if there is really such a thing, a trader could expect to be in about two or three positions at a time.
Jordi requires that you monitor your positions with live data. Jordi is not for the casual trader. HOWEVER, you can automate Jordi fully with TradeStation 9.5. See Full Automation of my Stock Trading Systems.
My systems are also compatible with Multi Charts. With Multi Charts it is possible to trade my systems with full automation and execute trades through Inter Active Brokers. See
Jordi is NOT a day trading system and rarely enters a trade and exits it on the same day.
Copyright 2010-2015 Short Term Stock Trading

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